avoiding weight gain during holidays

Getting Through The Holidays Without Gaining Weight | Ask Erik

The holidays are here and you may be wondering how to keep the extra pounds off with all the extra calories staring you in the face.

Erik recommends:

1. Count your macros
2. Eat less through the day before a party
3. Get back on track the next day and eat well and exercise
4. Use the calorie surplus to strength train and build muscle

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Winter Goals


Now Is The Time

Wintertime is coming and now is the time to take advantage of it.  Most people hunker down and go into survival mode, the days are short on light, temperatures drop, and motivation usually falls off. Being from the midwest I totally understand.  

Set An Attainable Goal

But this is your chance, an opportunity to make some real gains with your strength and overall health.  It is time to set a goal that you can reach in the next 3 months, a goal that will not come without busting your butt to get it.  

What Sets You Apart

When most people are in their warm houses sipping coffee in the morning, you are out running your morning loop.  When most people head home after work because it is dark and they're tired, you head to the gym to get your squats and deadlifts in.  And finally when you are at one of your seemingly endless line of holiday parties, you limit your cookie and booze intake when all the other people are complaining about the extra weight they’ve put on, yet continue to eat and drink.   Get after it!

I can help you stay on track this season 310.251.7420

Image Credit: Tyson Dudley via Unsplash

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: Holiday Party Eating Guide

Holiday Party Eating Guide

It’s November and you know what that means -- if you aren't careful, attending holiday party after holiday party will start to take a toll on your waistline. Below is my annual Holiday Party Eating Guide to help you avoid packing on a few extra pounds before the new year arrives.  

  1. Portion Control: Though this may seem obvious, it's definitely a biggie. You don't have to deny yourself a helping of stuffing or mashed potatoes, just resist the urge to go back for seconds and thirds. Over eating = weight gain. 
  2. Step Up Your Workout Game: If you know you are going to be imbibing more, step up the volume and intensity of your workouts. Make sure to workout the day of the party and the following morning. 
  3. Eat Before You Get to the Party: Sometimes we are so much in a hurry, that we forget to eat. By the time we get to the party we are starving and somehow manage to take down two trays of appetizers. Avoid this rookie mistake by making sure you eat a hearty meal before party time.
  4. Ditch the Eggnog: Be aware of your alcohol consumption. Many holiday beverages are chock full of sugar and empty calories.
  5. Out of Sight Out of Mind: After the meal is over, get the food out of the house! Send guests packing with tupperware containers full of leftovers.
  6. Be Smart, Sensible, and Have Fun!

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